Bibliophile File

I hereby express my deep gratitude to the sound recordist, whose auscultation, regarding the sound a book makes in her heart, can be so beautifully rendered into words. Something of the sort, if not so fine-tuned and trained, leaves a pinging in my heart for the following:
Diane Ackerman
Ray Bradbury
Marion Zimmer Bradley—The Mists of Avalon
Chris Cleave—Everyone Brave is Forgiven
Amanda Coplin—The Orchardist
Anthony Doerr—All the Light We Cannot See
Louise Erdrich
Diana Gabaldon—The Outlander Series
Elizabeth Gilbert—The Signature of All Things
N.K. Jemisin—The Fifth Season
Robin Wall Kemmerer—Braiding Sweetgrass
Barbara Kingsolver
Madeleine L’Engle
John O’ Donahue—Eternal Echoes, Exploring Our Yearning to Belong
Louise Penny
Rosamunde Pilcher—The Shell Seekers
Richard Powers—The Overstory
Wallace Stegner
Mary Stewart
Amor Towles—The Gentleman in Moscow
Julie Yip-Williams—The Unwinding of the Miracle: A Memoir of Life, Death, and Everything That Comes After